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5 Reasons You Don't Need A Music Manager

Jul 10, 2017 0 comments
Music Manager

I get asked to manage artists daily. The most important thing to remember is the keyword is manage, what are you managing? If your not doing a ton of pay shows and endorsement deals there is no money to pay employees. A manager is a employee of the artist, he can be hired and fired. For example: If McDonalds didn't make money, would there be a need for a manager? No! So the first thing you have to do as a artist is get out and make some money. Then you will have something to manage. So here are the top 5 reasons you don't need a manager.

1- There is no revenue to pay a manager. Again a manager is an employee so if you can't pay him that means he is working for free. He surely has bills and maybe a family to feed so why exactly is he working for free? Oh yeah because he believes that your career will take off one day. Remember there are 5 million people that want to be stars just like you. So what are you doing so different that people will want to work for you?

2- No shows on the calendar. Your just not busy enough to warrant someone being over your back everyday checking your schedule. Are you releasing videos weekly or vlogs on the regular basis. Are you releasing mixtapes every 3 months. Your schedule should be jam packed if you want a manager so get to work.

3- You know little about how the music business works. An experienced manager will ask you a few questions and they will know you have a lot of work to do and they will be discouraged. Learn the business on your own first. Meaning buy a ton of books and sit and read.

4- You may be asking for too much. A good manager will link you with the right people but they are not there to create music or invest. You should have all the capital for your music. The manager is there to add value to your team by helping you get organized. They are not investors so you shouldn't ask them for money.

5- You don't listen. A manager is going to give you advice on life and more but if you don't listen it wont work. So get your personal life and business life together before you decide to find a manager. The worst thing you could do is bring a manager in the middle of some baby mama drama.

What the hell did I get out of reading this article?

- You need revenue to pay a manager
- Your calendar is empty so what is there to manage
- Get out and make some money, sell your music and merchandise
- Have your own events and generate some revenue
- Learn the music business by reading books and attending music seminars

Stop wishing and praying for someone to come save you and get out there and bust your ass!!!!!!!!!!

Hope it helps

Antoine King Founder Of Spate Media

Make sure your checking,,


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